Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Combating Violence in Las Vegas Schools

A wave of school violence and shootings in the school community to leave Las Vegas to have the feeling of confusion. 15 Christopher Privett was killed in February when he made his return from a classmate. Then, Bonanza High School student was shot and wounded, although police do not like to connect to connect schools in which only the crime in Las Vegas, as has happened in a building, which should give you a ' idea of how really sure Vegasit is not. Then came what is considered just another high school fight turned ugly when a student took a gun and shot by Victor Bravo in the second year at Western High School. This incident has left him seriously injured.

All these incidents have taken place in the schools a few weeks in Las Vegas, and the community has rallied around the system to stop the problem before school takes over. These random acts of violence in schools, Las Vegas led theCommunity - parents, teachers and leaders - Knudson's High School meet to brainstorm the reasons for the increase in violence and the most effective ways to treat the community.

Take a series of proposals were made to the case, including keeping open channels of communication to students of Las Vegas, every frustration can be treated as armed robbery, in order to avoid the need for proper Affairs will. Father Christopher Privett called Mike PrivettCommunity in a serious effort to ensure that what happened to his son would never happen to another young man.

It seemed to be some disagreement among the members of the community to be. Some people think that violence in schools Las Vegas school years there, for now, but no attention was paid because the violence was limited to local students from poorer ones. Other schools in Las Vegas in the past, such as Canyon Springs HighSchool, Cheyenne High School, Mojave High School, the scene of violent clashes between students, but many felt, were due to the fact that their minority students ignored heavy section and lower class students.

One of the worst cases of school violence hit Las Vegas was taken into a city bus stop Left 4 Dead from Mojave High School students. The community now seems clear that they have turned their eyes to these problems when theThe victims are not "one of us" might actually have a devastating effect. As a community, Las Vegas schools need. To get to speak and when a student of every class of society is a victim of violence, no matter what its origin.

I hope this incident is an eye opener in Las Vegas schools, and that the main cause much needed change in the class differentiation that is obviously one of the causes of this violence.

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